
Zemyx: A Twisted Love Song 2

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Demyx watched Zexion as he read in the back of the classroom, determined to ignore everyone and remain invisible. It worked, at least for everyone who didn't have a wild crush on the bibliophile and couldn't take their eyes off them. Or, in a shorter sentence: it worked for everyone except Demyx. The musician sat on his desk in a circle of conversation among his friends, but his eyes and mind both wandered constantly to the bookworm. His emotions would swirl from happiness at seeing Zexion, sadness from their conversation yesterday, arousal from their actions yesterday, anger for hearing about what those perverts did to Zexion, guilt for doing the same thing... the list would go on and cycle endlessly.

“Demyx? Deeeeeeeem!” Demyx tore his gaze away from Zexion to see his friend, Kuro, waving his hand in a “can you see me?” manner. “Dude, you've been out of it all day.”

”Sorry,” Demyx laughed, “I just got bummed out when I saw how expensive a guitar I wanted was yesterday.” Demyx leaned back, “I think I'm in need of a job.”

“A job? You? Excuse me while I laugh my ass off,” Demyx's other friend, Uriel, chuckled. The three of them had been close since pre-K, and even though they each drifted to different cliques, their friendship was as close as ever. Kuro was from a fairly wealthy family, and when he learned how much money made everyone admire him, he became a bit of a prep. Uriel, on the other hand, worked out all the time and was the star of any team he'd want to join, which was currently football. Demyx, as many could guess, took a musical route in life. The only thing they all really had in common any more was the fact that they were reigning supreme of the social ladder and could get anyone they wanted.

“Why don't you work at a music store?” Kuro suggested. “Hell, they may even get you an employee discount.” It's not like the idea didn't cross Demyx's mind. One-on-one work time with Zexion, money, and a constant atmosphere of music? Working at Xigbar's shop would be a dream come true. Too bad Xigbar was a cheap dude and refused to have more than one employee who had both seniority and a son-like relationship with him.

“He doesn't want more than one employee,” Demyx shrugged. “And any other store doesn't have that particular guitar, so why bother?” Of course, no other store had Zexion either, but why would Demyx say that?

“Who works there?” Uriel rose an eyebrow, “Maybe we could talk them into letting you take the job.” Demyx knew what Uriel was thinking, and it wasn't violent thoughts. The two had a powerful combination of charisma, money, and brute strength that made 99.9% of people listen to them.

“Uhm... youknowthatguyZexionoverthere.” Demyx said it quickly, knowing full well that his friends wouldn't be able to tell what he said, and preferred to keep it that way. Sadly, he underestimated them.

“Zexion?” Kuro laughed. “The emo fag?”

“Don't say fag,” Demyx breezily replied. “You know I hate that word.”

“Oops, sorry Dem. Forgot you were bisexual.” Both Uriel and Kuro snickered and Demyx rolled his eyes. Both of his friends seemed to think that his sexual orientation was just a ruse to attract girls. Imagine their reactions if he told them that he not only liked guys, but tended to prefer them over girls. Not rich pretty boys or muscle heads either, but the slightly stubborn and more-than-slightly adorable emo, Zexion.

“Well, let's talk to the emo fa- uh,” Kuro coughed when Demyx shot him a glare, “Person-who-prefers-men.” Uriel gave a good-natured laugh to Kuro's clever word-replacement and the two strode over to Zexion.

“So, Zexy was it?” Uriel laughed again when Zexion glanced up from his book to shoot the two glares before returning to it. “We heard that you work at a music store. That's cool” Uriel grinned maliciously as he spoke, and Zexion didn't respond.

“But you know, our good friend Demyx wants to work there.” Kuro rose an eyebrow to pass the hint to Zexion.

“Good for him.” Zexion continued reading, barely even listening to the two.

“But you see, there's a small problem,” Kuro pushed down on Zexion's head to emphasize what he lacked in height. “The manager only wants one employee, and lookie-here, you happen to be that employee. Do you know what this means?”

“Your butt-buddy won't get the job,” Zexion murmured, “and will be forced to work somewhere else. What a tragedy,” Zexion's last sentence was drenched in sarcasm, and both Uriel and Kuro twitched. No one made them look like idiots, at least not so obviously.

“Come on guys, back off.” Demyx sighed and placed a hand on either of their shoulders. “Zexion's really close with the manager, beating the living tar out of him won't get me the job.” The bell rang shrilly and Uriel and Kuro walked off, deciding that pummeling wimpy kids in gym class sounded more exciting than threatening a non-responsive Zexion.

“Is this supposed to be the part where I thank you?” Zexion rolled his eyes and placed his book in his bag.

“You and sarcasm are really close, aren't you Zexy?” Demyx smirked at Zexion, who shot a glare in return. “Why do you only hate it when I call you Zexy?” Demyx questioned, edging closer to Zexion with each word.

“Because those two are simply ignorant monkeys copying your actions. You're the slightly less ignorant monkey who started it, and thus deserves my hatred.” Zexion walked off, leaving behind Demyx.

“Oh, by the way Zexy, nice ass.” Demyx winked at Zexion's behind, which disappeared from sight as Zexion turned quickly to face Demyx with a blush creeping across his porcelain skin. “Yes?” Demyx rose a proactive eyebrow at Zexion.

“You-that-if-why- ACK!” Zexion turned away and stormed off, leaving behind an amused Demyx, who still watched his lovely rear end.


“Demyx!” Demyx's head shot up from his work (Demyx ain't no slacker ;P) to see his teacher glaring at him. “Please, is it too much trouble to ask that you acknowledge my presence when I speak to you?” Saix rose an eyebrow at Demyx, who shrugged it off. Saix sighed, “Could you please bring a document to Xemnas? He's in the library with his Study Hall at the moment.”

“Love letter? I'm not Cupid Mr. Saix.” Demyx laughed at Saix turned an indignant red. Of course, he couldn't do much more than that since he and Xemnas were having a “secret” (read: EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT IT!) romance. “I'll do it, but in return...” Demyx rose an eyebrow, “I can turn in a song for my next writing assignment.” This tended to be how Demyx made deals. Teachers want him to do things, and he can use music for his projects because he's special like that.

“Just give it to him,” Saix grumbled, handing Demyx the yellow envelope. That meant yes.


Demyx walked into the Library, noticing that Xemnas was out of sight, “Mansex out of action,” he grumbled, looking around. His eyes widened happily when he saw his favorite blue-haired classmate. He snuck over with the intention of spooking, and thus flustering, his crush, but froze when Zexion spoke:

“A book on the Salem Witch Trials if you would.” Demyx rose an eyebrow, could Zexion see through his ninja act? This proved to not be the case when a large man stood up from Zexion's table and walked to the aisles of books before grabbing a large one and coming back. Zexion took the book without even looking up, “Thank you, Lexeaus.”

Lexeaus? Who was Lexeaus? Was Zexion lying about not being gay and this was his boyfriend? Or did he just have a bodyguard for bullies? Or did, heaven forbid, Zexion actually have friends?

“Is there a reason you're here Demyx?” Demyx turned quickly, along with the rest of the class, to see Xemnas standing there with his arms crossed. “If I recall correctly, you are not in this class and thus have no reason to be here.”

“Not true!” Demyx grinned and held up the envelope, “Saix sent me on an errand.” Xemnas's facial expression did not change when he took the envelope, though his face may or may not have reddened slightly.

“Class, please behave while I am gone.” Xemnas walked out of the Library, leaving behind a stunned Demyx. Booty call much?

“Demyx, why are you here?” Demyx turned to see Zexion, who placed his book down to talk to the musician. “And don't tell me you're playing matchmaker with Saix and Xemnas.”

“Nah, Mansex and the mutt don't need help there,” Demyx laughed. “Just a delivery, that's all.”

“Then leave,” Zexion returned to his book. Demyx felt a strong urge to tease the smaller teen, but he could feel the curious stares of the Study Hall and just left with a shrug. Zexy better love me for this self control, Demyx thought with a sigh.


Demyx walked into the music shop at 3:40, exactly 20 minutes after school Quality Zexion-time meant as much as possible needed to be obtained. He brightened when he saw a journal on the counter, which Zexion happened to be writing in. “Ooooh, did Zexy write a song?” Zexion's head shot up in surprise as Demyx grabbed the book, “Didn't notice I was here?” Demyx grinned, before reading the journal aloud, “World War II was directly related to the poor deals made after World War I. Germany was directly insulted... Zexy.” Demyx shook his head, “This is a horrible song.”

“Oh, ha ha,” Zexion rolled his eyes and snatched the journal back from Demyx. “It's for my History class. I'm doing a report on the direct causes of World War II and how it could have been prevented.” Zexion closed the journal and stood up to grab a cardboard box. “I know for a fact that you are broke, so why are you here?”

“You know why I'm here Zexy,” Demyx purred, watching as Zexion opened the box and pulled out various guitar straps. “I'm here to see you.”

“To taunt me?” Zexion grabbed the straps and walked to the other side of the room to hang them up on the wall. “I still wonder why you insist upon pestering me.”

Demyx rose his eyebrows in confusion, “Because... I like you?” Demyx wasn't sure what the question being asked here was.

“Then tell me this,” Zexion hung up each strap one by one as he spoke, “Why is it you flirt non-stop at my workplace, but when school time comes, you only do so when no one else is around?” Zexion turned his ice-blue eyes to Demyx, “It seems to me that you're simply amusing yourself.”

Demyx grinned when he recognized the problem, “Awww, Zexy! I knew you cared!” Demyx winked at Zexion, who rolled his eyes and looked over some of the straps. “I thought you'd want to keep it on a hush-hush level since you get made fun of as it is.” Demyx walked closer to Zexion and pulled the strap out of his hands, “But if you want me to do things like this,” Demyx ran his tongue along the strap, and Zexion took it back with a bright red face. Demyx smirked, “I can do those things any time Zexy. Just say the word.”

Zexion glared at Demyx, his face still red, “The word? How about 'no'? Would that count?” Zexion hung the strap up quickly and walked back to the counter.”Is there any way to make you leave?”

“Only one,” Demyx sauntered up to Zexion, “Kiss me.”

Zexion dropped the strap he pulled out of the book with a loud squeak, “WHAT!?”

Demyx smirked and leaned in close, “Kiss me and I'll leave and not come back.” Zexion rose a disbelieving eyebrow and Demyx held up his right hand, “I swear it.”

Zexion thought about it for a second. Kissing Demyx would be like him winning, but on the other hand... it was Friday, and if Demyx kept to his word then he wouldn't see him again until Monday. “Deal.”

Zexion leaned forward and pecked Demyx on the lips and pulled back quickly with bright red cheeks.

“Sorry Zexy, that won't cut it,” Although Demyx said this, he was pretty red too. “It needs to be a full-out make-out, and you have to initiate it.”

Zexion growled in irritation and walked around the counter, “If this is a joke, I'll make Xigbar's scars look like papercuts.” He hesitantly placed his mouth on Demyx's before slipping his tongue into the opening. Demyx quickly responded, and Zexion gave an indignant growl when Demyx's own tongue happened to be the dominant one. Zexion stood on his toes and pushed Demyx against the wall and took that moment to pretty much force his tongue down Demyx's throat.

A lot of things surprised Demyx about the kiss. The first thing was that Zexion tasted like mints. Demyx wasn't sure if it was from gum-chewing, mints, something he ate, or Zexion's natural flavor, but it suited him. The second was that Zexion was a very dominant kisser, though that may have been more of him making up for the fact that he was being bribed into a kiss. The third was surprising because of the previous fact, but Zexion seemed to be very inexperienced at this. Demyx noticed this when he gave Zexion's rear end an affectionate squeeze. He could feel Zexion squeak into his mouth and stiffen up, but other than that did not stop the action from happening. He probably simply assumed it was part of kissing. However, one thing wasn't surprising about this kiss: it was hot.

Demyx pulled away from the kiss when he felt his butt vibrate. Demyx growled slightly in irritation, when moments as rare as these came along, interruptions were not welcome. Demyx pulled out his phone and read a text, “BitchyWitchy: Get home now! Your music sheets got here!” Demyx sighed, why couldn't his sister use text speak like a normal person? He turned to Zexion's bright red face and grinned, “Sorry, family issues.” he blew the teen a kiss, “See you tomorrow Zexy!”

“T-t-tomorrow?” Zexion stuttered, “You said you wouldn't come back!”

“I meant I wouldn't come back today,” Demyx winked at Zexion, who was now red with anger and embarrassment.

Things get steamy... or not. What's hotter, a willing make-out session or not-as-willing tart lime? The whole WW2 thing... we're doing that in my History, so I just picked it cause it was better than nothing.

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Canine-scratch's avatar
LOL the end made my day XDD This story hasn't got very many comments so i shall comment!